How cool is it that Oregon (pronounced: Or-e-gen not Or-e-gone... who knew?) put up a museum to honor a 1980s video game! Sike! Too bad, the museum did not embrace the fever that surrounds the video game. They were too concerned with historical accuracy and honoring the pioneers that really did have to ford the rivers.
So, I am chilling in the Portland International Airport waiting for my flight to San Francisco, CA and then off to Pittsburgh, PA (family reunion/birthday party). This is a great time to unload all of the thoughts that have swirled in my head over this past week. Don't say i didn't warn you:
It was actually, yesterday. Lover you, baby! - Good Samaritans?
I spent the week with the fine folks of Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center. Which got me to thinking about the New Testament parable in Luke regarding the "Good Samaritan." This ancient story of tolerance, non-discrimination, and racial harmony speaks volumes to our current society. What is great about this parable is that Jesus chose a Samaritan as the hero of the story. Historically, The Samaritans of this time were despised by the story's target audience, the Jews. The Samaritans were also largely taught by their interpretation of history to hate Jews. Therefore, Jesus (always beautiful in His counter cultural/revolutionary teachings) to hold up a socially despised group and make them the heroes was brilliant, and, hopefully, taught/teaches us all about the gifts tolerance and charity! Along with the moral of the story that these gifts often can be found with those whom we would least expect. - Good v. Well?
How are you doing? Good? Well? I typically go with neither. I am a big fan of "perfect," "fabulous," "wonderful," and "great." Therefore, do not try to force your "I am doing well" brain washing on me. What is so bad about saying "I am doing good?"
Down here, the locals will not even give you a chance to respond with "good" or "well." In fact, 9 times out of 10, if you ask one of our locals how they are doing, they will respond, "Doin' fine. Hope you are." Then you are relegated to a "yes" or a "no." - Oregon Fun Facts
You can not pump your own gas in the big OR, just like Jersey, but without Sloley almost getting thrown off the turnpike for trying to get out of his car and pump his own gas. Shame on you Mr. Wright, for not learning the local customs!
You are never going to believe this-- but I saw that guy on that you tube video at cracker barrel this weekend!!
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